"Musical Director John Hodgson and his 6 strong pit band get the King’s jumping with glorious 80’s and early 90’s hits."
I Should Be So Lucky, 2024 - Scots Gay Arts
"Musical directors John Hodgson and Siân Campbell should be proud of their achievements, the band is top notch and the cast sounds terrific."
Big Fish, 2023 - Musical Theatre Review
"The music conducted and played by a live band was fantastic and really gave the production that oomph. The musicians did not step out of line once."
Big Fish, 2023 - Theatre Scotland
"Speaking of the music, John Hodgson’s musical direction of this production makes Lippa’s music sound stunning, once again ‘One Normal Night’ was notably brilliant, the audience loved it. However, every number sounded great."
The Addams Family, 2022 - Theatre Scotland
"One of the best features of this production is undeniably the live band, directed by John Hodgson. The band did an absolutely fantastic job and added a huge amount to the production value and overall atmosphere of the show."
Shrek The Musical, 2022 - Theatre Scotland
"Be in no doubt, this show is a massive undertaking for any company, and a huge ensemble effort, from Lyall’s direction and MD John Hodgson’s assured marshalling of the backstage band to Dannielle Logan’s energetic choreography and Charlotte Nicholson and Mairi Cross on costumes (lots!)"